Following the call for proposals “national enterprises”, Emilia-Romagna approved and financed 9 audiovisual works for a total cost of 834,000 euro.

The growth of Emilia -Romagna in the overview of the most active regions in supporting film projects continues. More and more projects apply every year to take part in the call for “national enterprises “, this year, in fact, 41 projects applied, 8 more than last year.

The Regional Council has approved the ranking list for the first section of the call for proposals to support the production of cinematographic and audiovisual works by national, European and non-European companies. The selection work carried out by the Council, for the first section of this call, led to a ranking of 20 eligible projects for funding out of 33 admitted to the assessment; they then approved the above-mentioned 9 and awarded them grants amounting to about 834 thousand euro.

Among the 9 projects of the approved call are: five cinematographic works, two television works and two documentaries. The contributions foreseen by the call for proposals for each individual project amount to a maximum of 150,000 euros, with a total budget for 2021 of 1,200,000 euro.

The project evaluation group that carried out the selection is the head of the Emilia-Romagna Film Commission  Fabio Abagnato, the regional secretary Agis-Anec Emilia Romagna Elena Pagnoni and the senior researcher at the Department of Arts – University of Bologna Marco Cucco. A press conference was held today in Bologna, with the participation of Fabio Abagnato and Mauro Felicori (Regional Councillor for Culture and Landscape), to present the results of the call for entries. 

For further information: Emilia-Romagna