The Ministry of Cultural heritage and Activities (MiBAC, i.e. Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali) has destined 10 million Euros to the funding of cinematic and audiovisual projects, including the “Moviement” initiative which promotes cinema attendance during the summer.

The MiBAC “special projects” for cinema and audiovisual are regulated by a July 2007 ministerial decree (D.M. July 31st 2017, n. 341). The latter provides that the Ministry, upon its exclusive initiative, can offer financial support to “special projects”. These initiatives have to promote the development of cinematic and audiovisual culture, as well as the sector’s internationalisation. Moreover, the decree specifies that special projects can last for one year or three years.

More specifically, 5 million Euros are destined to the funding of audiovisual projects in international co-productions, joint participations, or productions. 3.2 million Euros are destined to the Luce Cinecittà Institute for extraordinary maintenance work, including that aimed at the conservation of the Historical Luce Archive. 1 million Euros are assigned to initiatives capable of boosting the audience’s presence in cinemas during the summer. ANICA (National Association of Cinema and Audiovisual Industries), ANEC (National Association of Cinema Operators), ANEM (National Association of Multiplex Operators) , and the MiBAC’s General Cinema Direction support the special project “Moviement”, which aims at promoting audience participation during the summer. 200 thousand Euros are destined to projects which raise awareness against gender violence. Once again, the General Cinema Direction sustains one special project in this field.

The MiBAC thus promotes Italian audiovisual and cinematic culture, as well as the field’s internationalisation with fundings for “special projects” for a total of 10 million Euros.