Prix Italia is the international competition organised by RAI under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, which rewards the best radio, TV and web programmes for quality, innovation and creativity produced globally. Now in its 76th edition, which will be held in Turin from 1 to 4 October, the award highlights international excellence in radio, TV and multimedia production: 252 programmes are competing, submitted by 76 broadcasters from 50 countries.
The programmes entered for the 2024 Edition of the Competition, as the regulations state, “must present elements of quality and innovation, be capable of enriching the radio, television or multimedia experience and meet the needs of a broad and constantly evolving audience”, and must also be produced, co-produced or commissioned by the Participant entering them.
Naturally, many of the programmes in the competition address themes, issues, cultural trends and social questions that represent the complexity of our time and respond to the challenges of the future, such as critical reflection around digital innovation and artificial intelligence. There is no shortage of war and migration narratives of great interest to broadcasters.
An overview of strictly contemporary social themes and issues is also offered thanks to products that talk about cultural and sexual identity.
Other topics presented in the competition are women’s empowerment and mental health, which, especially among the younger generations, is becoming increasingly important and a priority.
Rai shows with its programmes that it knows how to project itself into an international scenario: the documentary L’Oro d’Italia, about pasta and the family stories of those who produce it, produced by the Holden school with Rai Cinema, interweaves artificial intelligence with human intelligence. Then, there is the 150th anniversary of Guglielmo Marconi’s birth, celebrated with both the fiction Marconi – L’uomo che ha connesso il mondo and the fantasy podcast La ragazza delle onde. With Il Paese dei Pazzi, on the other hand, the radio tackles the theme of mental health, while the reportages of Faccende complicate are an opportunity to reflect on topical social issues.
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