ANEC, ANICA and Cinetel present 2019 Italian box office results. For the report, there is an increase in both box office receipts and attendance not only of international titles but also of Italian productions.

In 2019, the box office received € 635,449,774 for a number of admissions equal to 97,586,858. Compared to 2018, receipts increased by 14.35% and admissions by 13.55%. Compared to 2017, the growth in receipts and attendance was 8.70% and 5.77% respectively. Compared to last year, the box office of Italian production (including co-productions) has grown, earning €134.8 million in 2019 (€127.9mln in 2018; +5.39%) for a share of the total of 21.22% (in 2018 it was 23.03%). The number of presences of Italian production (including co-productions) increased by 5.56%, 21 million in 2019 compared to 19.9 million in 2018, for a share of a total of 21.56%.

In 2019, 495 new films were distributed in theatres (-34 compared to 2018) of which 193 were Italian productions or co-productions (-18 compared to 2018). In addition to the newly released films, 85 new complementary content was also distributed in theatres, i.e. events, special editions, re-releases which registered a 7% increase compared to 2018.

In general terms, the first absolute collection of 2019 is The Lion King with over 37.5 million euros, followed by Avengers: Endgame and Joker. The Italian film that grossed the most in 2019 is Ficarra and Picone’s Il Primo Natale (sixth place overall, the only Italian in the top ten) with 13.3 million.

ANICA President Francesco Rutelli commented: “Now the entire supply chain must continue to collaborate and work with transparency and integrity. It is to be hoped that 2020 will be the year of an important law that covers the subject of cinema and audiovisual in its entirety”.

Francesco Rutelli, ANICA President, Francesca Cima, ANICA Producers President, Luigi Lonigro, ANICA Distributors President, Mario Lorini, ANEC President and Davide Novelli, Cinetel President, presented the report.