GREENLit, the content showcase of the Drama section now in its fifth edition, ended today during MIA | Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo.

The showcase, traditionally dedicated to the most anticipated Italian TV series of the year, opened this year to a selection of international titles. The event hosted high-profile content in both series and miniseries format and films produced for TV and digital platforms, with a strong international appeal. A prerequisite for participation is to have already received the green light from one or more broadcasters and/or digital platforms.

Among the titles submitted this year, projects that have passed through previous editions of the Drama Co-Production Market & Pitching Forum were also selected.

Seven series were presented by their producers, Commissioning Platforms, Broadcasters and Talent on the main stage of the Cinema Barberini with the moderation of Paolo Ciccarelli, Head of Drama at MIA:

A Prophet, The Series, directed by Enrico Maria Artale, produced by CPB Films and Media Musketeers Studios

Fireworks/Fuochi d’artificio directed by Susanna Nicchiarelli, produced by Fandango and Matrioska, in collaboration with Rai Fiction

Miss Fallaci, produced by Minerva Pictures and Paramount Television International Studios, in association with RedString Pictures

The Count of Monte Cristo, directed by Bille August and produced by Palomar, in collaboration with DEMD Productions, Rai Fiction and France TV

The Lions of Sicily/I Leoni di Sicilia, directed by Paolo Genovese, produced by Compagnia Leone Cinematografica and Lotus Production-a Leone Film Group Company for Disney+

The Vanishing Triangle, directed by Imogen Murphy and Laura Way, produced by Park Films, Paper Plane ProducRons and 87 Films for Virgin Ireland and Sundance/AMC

We’re on it, Comrades!/To Se Vysvětlí, Soudruzi!, directed by Matěj Chlupáček and Michal Samir, produced by Barletta ProducRons and Network Movie for ZDF and Czech Television.