The third and last annual session of the Fondo Audiovisivo Friuli-Venezia Giulia opened today 21 September and will close on 20 October.

The fund has a triple function: to promote the training of professionals and to foster the development and distribution of audiovisual projects, be they TV series, short films, documentaries or animation products.

Production companies, be they national, European or international, can apply for the grant as regards incentives for the development and distribution of audiovisual products; as regards training, professionals resident in the territory of Friuli-Venezia Giulia can apply.

The contribution granted, irrespective of the purpose for which it is requested, is non-repayable. Specifically, for the development of projects, the following can be granted:

  • between €10,000 and €30,000 for fiction;
  • between €2,000 and €5,000 for short films;
  • between €2,000 and €20,000 for documentaries;
  • between €2,000 and €30,000 for animation.

The amount of support for distribution, on the other hand, varies depending on the location of the majority producer of the work:

  • up to €130,000 for majority producer based in Friuli-Venezia Giulia;
  • up to €70,000 per majority producer without a registered office in Friuli-Venezia Giulia or if a minority producer is based there.

Short films can obtain a distribution support of up to €10,000. An additional contribution of up to €20,000 is also available for products in the Friulian language.

As far as the training of professionals is concerned, the contribution granted will cover up to 50% of the total costs in the case of proposing companies. This percentage will increase up to 90% for scholarships, which can only be applied for by natural persons. In both cases the funding may not exceed €20,000.

Contributions provided by the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund can be cumulated with those granted through the FVG Film Fudn active until 30 September 2023.

For further information please refer to the FVG Audiovisual Fund’s website.

Ph Gabriele Merlino Photographer on Unsplash