Reti Televisive Italiane, owned by Mediaset, absorbs Video Time Produzioni.

Cologno Monzese’s media group, after having absorbed a few months ago the company Media4commerce, is working on a merger project to incorporate the company Videotime Produzione (Vp) to Reti Televisive Italiane (RTI).

Videotime Produzione was established in mid-2017 by Videotime, and 99.1% of its shares were owned by RTI, which until last year had been merged with Mediaset. Earlier RTI had moved to Vp the part of the company in charge of the production and realization of TV programs, which had increased their income by €51.9m.

The complete value of the company’s assets added up to €91.2m, as calculated by the accountant Massimo Gibellini, who employed a simple equity method.