Veneto Region reconfirms its commitment to the audiovisual sector. The beneficiary projects of the grants in favor of film and audiovisual production in Veneto have been selected.

A total of 15 projects have been selected to benefit from grants (€ 1.5 million in total) provided by the third call of the Complementary Operational Program to the ROP ERDF 2014-2020 of the Veneto Region. Axis 3 “Competitiveness of production systems” – Action 3.3.2 “Support for the development of products and services complementary to the enhancement of identified cultural and natural attractions of the territory, including through the integration between companies in the cultural, tourism, creative and entertainment sectors”.

The call aims to support film and audiovisual production companies in Veneto for the realization and aims to strengthen and improve the competitiveness of film production companies and their allied industries also through a more intense collaboration with foreign producers and to promote the knowledge of the artistic heritage, landscape and typical local productions of the Region.

Below is the list of beneficiaries:


Vladi e Mirò, by Sergio Manfio, Gruppo Alcuni srl


Love in the Villa, by Mark Steven Johnson, 360 Degrees Film srl
Natale all’improvviso, by Francesco Patierno, Notorius spa (€200,000)
A beautiful imperfection, by Michiel Van Erp, Kino Produzioni srl (€158,994.65)
Snow, by Katalina Molina and Esther Rauch, Mestiere Cinema srl (€200,000)
Billy, by Emilia Mazzacurati, Jolefilm srl, (€81,056)
Le mie ragazze di carta, by Luca Lucini, Pepito Produzioni srl, (€120,850)
Tina Anselmi, by Luciano Manuzzi, Bibì Film srl (€87,761.72)
Il punto di rugiada, by Marco Risi, Fandango spa (€159,620.73)


Geometrie della fine, by Francesca Ferrario, Graffitidoc srl (€9,798.40)
Mazarol, by Lorenzo Cassol, The Storitellers srl (€13,322.80)
Il lavoro sono io, by Federico Massa, Avilab srl (€14,012.50)
Shakespeare folio, by Raffaella Rivi, Kublai Film srl (€30,000)
Verona 900, by Dario Biello, Filmedea srl (€17.474,20)
Johann Sebastian Bach – Carlo Scarpa, by Riccardo De Cal, Cabiria di Siben M. (€7,109)

For further information please consult: Veneto Film Commission