The Umbria Region has approved a bill allocating €1 million to the Fondazione Umbria Film Commission with the aim of encouraging and enhancing audiovisual productions in the region.
The new legislation recognises the fundamental role of the Film Commission in guaranteeing the development of the sector and provides that the funding allocated to the foundation will be paid in instalments of €350,000 each over the three-year period 2024-2026.
The Fondazione Umbria Film Commission was established in 2021 by an agreement between the Region, the municipalities of Perugia and Terni and ANCI, the Associazione Nazionale Comuni Umbria, with the aim of promoting the territory from an artistic and environmental point of view, favouring audiovisual productions in the same area and harmonising work with other film commissions.
In 2022, the Film Commission took part in the assessment of the Umbria Film Fund applications, which allocated a funding of €1.5 million, of which €1.3 million for long-form audiovisual works and €200,000 for short films.
For further information please refer to the Umbria Film Commission website.
📸 by Sterling Lanier