On Wednesday 18 October, the event 5G, Tecnologie Immersive e Gaming Sfide e opportunità per le imprese e i territori nel settore del “Digital & Interactive Gaming” will be held at the Officine Grandi Riparazioni in Turin.

The event, organised by the Italian Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy in collaboration with “Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti” CTE NEXT is supported by MIA – International Audiovisual Market as well as by the trade association IIdea and View Conference 2023.

National and international guests, experts and technicians will take part in the programme of the event, which will touch on various areas and perspectives on the development of the sector in the economic, regulatory and socio-educational spheres.

During the day, the Ministry with the National Cyber 4.0 Competence Centre will also present the ‘It’s cyber game!’ competition. The contest aims to create a gaming project that is also a vehicle for information on cyber security and is reserved for students attending Istituti Tecnologici Superiori.

Further information can be found on the CTE NEXT’s website. 

Ph Laurens Derks/Unsplash