The Ministry of Culture has published the list of projects financed in the 3rd session 2020 of the call for selective grants for the writing, development and pre-production of cinematographic and audiovisual works.

18 projects were considered eligible for the grant, 12 in the category “development and pre-production of full-length films”, with a fund of €555,000. The classified works are:

  • Lubo” (provisional title), directed by Giorgio Diritti and produced by Aranciafilm Srl;
  • Chiara“, directed by Susanna Nicchiarelli and produced by Vivo Film;
  • Noi, gli italiani della Città Proibita. L’avventurosa storia di Bertolucci e dell’Ultimo Imperatore“, directed by Emma Louise Johnston and produced by Tucker Film Srl;
  • Blnid Pit“, directed by Federico Schiavi and Giorgio Bianchi and produced by Nacne Sas and Baltic Balkan Productions;
  • Il ragazzo con i guanti gialli“, directed by Francesca Mazzoleni and produced by Indigo Film;
  • Vita del Signor G. La biografia illustrata di Giorgio Gaber“, directed by Ranuccio Sodi and produced by Show Biz Visual Communications;
  • Il bambino delle stelle“, directed by Umberto Marino and produced by Moviheart;
  • Alberi erranti e naufraghi“, directed by Salvatore Mereu and produced by Viacolvento;
  • Ballata per un infame“, directed by Edoardo Winspeare and produced by Saietta Film;
  • Il cileno“, directed by Sergio Castro San Martin and produced by Disparte and Equeco;
  • A. P. Giannini – Bank to the future“, directed by Valentina Signorelli and Cecilia Adriana Zoppelletti and produced by Daitona;
  • Flaminio Zoo“, directed by Pippo Delbono and produced by Fabrique Entertainment Srl.

6 projects were selected for the selective grants in the category “development and pre-production of television and web works intended for audiovisual media service providers on other media”, which had a fund of €345,000:

  • Il giudice T.“, directed by Pasquale Scimeca and produced by Arbash Scarl and Tipota Movie Company;
  • Storia della mia famiglia“, produced by Palomar Spa;
  • Gli anni del disonore“, produced by Fandango Spa;
  • Il maestro della fantasia“, directed by Laura Luchetti and produced by Bim Produzione and Book on a Tree Ltd;
  • Voce“, directed by Francesco Costabile and produced by Ince Media Srl:
  • Tina Merlin. Una donna contro“, produced by Zivago Film.