Transposition of the DSM Copyright Directive in EU Member States – Impact on Audiovisual Productions.

17 October, 2024 h11:30 am
Legal aspects and practical consequences in the different national experiences. An opportunity for discussion to highlight aspects on which there is harmonisation.
Looking at how different countries handle criteria to determine the adequate and proportionate remuneration, either in contracts and/or collective bargaining agreements, and rules governing transparency obligations. A comparative approach to highlight status of harmonisation.
This session is curated by APA in collaboration with CEPI – European Audiovisual Production Association.
Access by invitation only
Emmanuelle Mauger | Deputy Director General, Syndicat des Producteurs Independents (France)
Julian Waiblinger | Partner, Nordemann (Germany)
Mathilde Fiquet | Secretary General, CEPI (Europe)
Additional speaker to be confirmed (Spain)
Alessandra Corigliano | Associate, OsborneClarke (Italy)