National Funds for Immersive Works

18 October, 2024 h10:00 am
This panel aims to shed light on the growing commercial and distribution potential for immersive works. As immersive content, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), becomes a significant frontier in audiovisual storytelling, there is a pressing need to understand how to navigate its market landscape effectively. The session will bring together industry experts to explore the role of national funds in supporting and promoting immersive projects. Key discussions will focus on identifying potential buyers and commissioners, as well as strategies to engage with the evolving chain of distribution for these works. The panel will provide invaluable insights for producers, creators, and financiers eager to tap into this emerging sector and capitalize on its unique opportunities.
Sara Tirelli | Artistic Director, CSC Immersive Arts (Italy)
Jacopo Chessa | Director, Veneto Film Commission (Italy)
Carlo Rodomonti | Head of Strategic and Digital Marketing, RAI Cinema; President of Unione Editori e Creators digitali, ANICA (Italy)
Paolo Manera | Director, Film Commission Torino Piemonte (Italy)
Gaia Tridente | Director, MIA | Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo