The second session of the Piemonte Film Tv Fund, the fund set up by Regione Piemonte to support the audiovisual sector, opened on Monday 4 September 2023 with an endowment of €1,500,000.

Only small and medium-sized film and audiovisual companies based in Piedmont can partecipate. The fund is designed to boost the competitiveness of the sector, encouraging the establishment of new companies in the area, increasing investment in the same and raising employment levels.

A non-repayable grant will be given to fiction or animation feature films intended for theatrical release or television and web series, including animation.

The amount of the grant may not be less than €50,000; there is also a ceiling on the amount of funding that varies according to the nature of the project:

  • €150,000 for single animated works, whether for TV or web;
  • €300,000 for feature films and single works of fiction intended for TV or the web;
  • €400,000 for animated feature films, TV and web series and for TV and web dramas.

This funding session will close on 10th October 2023. The first session of the call allocated €2,500,000 in resources and closed on 6th June 2023.

For further information please refer to the call on the Regione Piemonte’s website.

Ph Fabio Fistarol on Unsplash