A survey conducted by Digital TV Research estimates that the number of Netflix subscribers will increase by 44% between 2016 and 2022 amounting to a total of 128 million users worldwide. The number of international subscriptions should be higher than that of North America by 2018: to be precise, subscribers in the United States are expected to increase from the current 53 million to 63, while in Europe (which represents 72% of worldwide users along with the U.S.A.) the number is around 29 million. In 2016, European users were around 18 million.
Digital TV Research analystSimon Murray said: “This growth is even more impressing if we consider all the negative factors for Netflix: the platform is not given direct access to subscribers in the world’s largest country, China. Moreover, we think Netflix will fall foulof Russian legislation: in July 2017,the country will introduce a restriction of foreign companies to only 20% of digital platforms’ equity. However, ten million users will subscribe Netflix in the Asian region by 2022, three times the current number”.