Animation studio Invisible Universe, also famous for developing Jennifer Aniston’s schnauzer character Clyde, a supporter of the project along with Serena Williams, has appointed Jonathan Schneider, a former Skydance and Disney executive, as its new president.

The studio, based in Los Angeles, aims to become the “Pixar of the Internet,” leveraging its characters to create community among network consumers living on social platforms.

The animation team operates as a 24/7 global newsroom, constantly observing emerging social trends and creating content that fits its characters: including Qai Qai, inspired by tennis star Williams’ daughter’s favorite doll; a rebellious princess named Ember; and the aforementioned Clyde.

The input of the new president, described by co-founder and CEO Tricia Biggio as “a Hollywood unicorn” for his ability to think both about creative content and carry out executive operations, will be to lead the studio toward the adoption of technologies associated with artificial intelligence, motion capture and real-time rendering.

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