According to data from the European Audio-visual Observatory on European box offices, last year 991 million tickets were sold in the 28 countries of the Union. It is the best result since 2004 with a total profit of 7,04 billion euros, a result which reflects the dropping of tickets’ prices in some countries such as Italy, Germany, Great Britain and Belgium.

The best performances have been registered in France and Spain (+4.7%), Poland (+ 17%), Italy (+3.6%), Czech Republic (+20%), Slovakia (+ 22%). Drops were registered in Germany and Belgium, respectively of 12% and 10%.

Among the most viewed films family titles dominated with The secret life of pets and Finding Dory with 25 million tickets. As to European original productions, the Observatory has counted 1,740 films, even though American films are still dominating the market, at around 67% against 26.7% of European movies.