“We are absolutely convinced that creating a green protocol for the animation industry is vital” said Francesco Manfio, APA Councillor with delegation for Animation.
“And it’s vital because cartoons cater mainly a children audience, to whom we have to deliver a liveable planet. Also since many of our series talk about sustainability it wouldn’t make much sense not to respect, while realizing these cartoons, the values we preach”.


Exactly for these reasons APA decided, together with Italian Film Commissions, to create, based on the preceding green protocol created by Trentino Film Commission, a Green Film specific variant for animation products.


The protocol requires sustainability procedures to be followed in every step of an audiovisual production, starting from the catering, waste management, transportation and even location, the choice of materials, movie promotions and ending with, of course, energy saving.


APA decided to undertake this collaboration with Italian Film Commissions sustaining the project Green Film with various conjunct initiatives designed to simplify its procedures, making observance of the protocol more accessible to all industry professionals.