Western Europe will become the second continent by number of OTT subscribers by 2024, surpassing the North American figure. Asia will remain firmly in first place.

This is reported by Ampere Analysis, the analysis company that follows the audiovisual, video game and sports markets.

Driving this overtaking will be Germany and the United Kingdom.

This change will also affect the sector’s revenues: it is expected that North America will lose its primacy as the largest exponent of global streaming revenues, falling below the 50% share.

As a knock-on effect, this decline will also be reflected in investment, which will increasingly shift from the US and Canadian territories to European and Asian territories. The world’s leading steraming companies have already begun to follow this trend: Netlfix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime already account for less than 50% of their investments in North America.

More information can be found on the Ampere Analysis’s website.

Ph Jesus Loves Austin/Unsplash