According to the 4th Auditel-Censis Report, in 2021 the number of screens in Italian homes has increased, but the patterns of fruition are changing.

There are 119.4 million screens in Italy, as revealed by the 4th Auditel-Censis Report entitled ” L’Italia multiscreen. Dalla smart-tv allo schermo in tasca, così il paese corre verso il digitale“. About 7 million more screens compared to early 2020, in particular smartphones (48 million) and Smart Tvs (15 million) are increasing.

Responding to the increase of devices, the content fruition patterns diversify, in fact “more than 7 million Italians watch on the internet TV programs that are broadcasted simultaneously on linear TV and 4.2 million do so by using a smartphone. 24 million connect to the internet and use specific applications, free or paid, to watch content/movies/programs and also 16.6 million individuals often do this”, states the report.

The number of families connected to the internet is also growing (90.2%), a trend also driven by the health emergency that has led Italians towards an increasingly digital life, compared to the 2.3 million without internet connection or adequate equipment.

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