Programs and TV series from different TV stations broadcast again. Starting from September, various television productions between fiction, reality and current affairs will resume.

On September 5 “DayDreamer”, broadcast by Canale 5, has started again: the successful Turkish TV series has been repositioned in the program schedule, and moved from the afternoon to prime time in order to make room for the new season of “Uomini e Donne”, conducted by Maria De Filippi, which began on Monday, September 7. Again on Canale 5, “Pomeriggio Cinque”, conducted by Barbara D’Urso and in its thirteenth edition, has commenced again.

On Rai 1 it started again on September 7 “Il Paradiso delle Signore”, the TV series produced by Aurora Film, distributed by Rai Fiction and broadcast on Rai 1 in the afternoon.

On September 8th current affairs programs restart: in prime time on La7 “Dimartedì”, the talk show conducted by Giovanni Floris, and in parallel on Rai 3 “#Cartabianca”, conducted by Bianca Berlinguer.

Later in September, other eagerly programs are expected: “Grande Fratello VIP” is now in its fifth edition and will be released on September 14 with the conduction of Alfonso Signorini; “Che tempo che fa” conducted by Fabio Fazio with the help of Luciana Litizzeto will start again on September 27, as announced by Fazio himself via social.